Experimental Validation of the Hybrid Airfoil Design Procedure for Full-Scale Ice Accretion Simulation

Farooq Saeed, Michael S. Selig, and Michael B. Bragg
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801


Harold E. Addy
NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135

This paper presents results from the first series of ice accretion tests performed to validate the hybrid airfoil design method of Saeed, et al. The hybrid airfoil design method was developed to facilitate the design of hybrid or subscale airfoils with full-scale leading edges and redesigned aft-sections that exhibit full-scale airfoil water droplet impingement characteristics throughout a given angle-of-attack range (alpha-range). The formulation is based on the assumption that the leading-edge ice accretion will be the same between the full-scale and hybrid airfoils if droplet cloud properties, droplet impingement, local leading-edge flowfield, model surface geometry, model surface quality, and model surface thermodynamic characteristics are the same. Thus, if ice accretion simulation could be predicted in terms of the droplet impingement characteristics alone, a myriad of issues related to ice accretion scaling could be avoided for tests where leading-edge ice accretion is desired. Hence, the method was used to design a 2-D half-scale hybrid airfoil, with a 20% plain-flap and a 5% upper and 20% lower leading-edge surface of an a scaled down model of a modern business jet wing section, that simulates droplet impingement characteristics of the scaled business jet airfoil, on- and off-design. The 2-D scaled business jet airfoil model and its half-scale hybrid airfoil model were then subjected to icing tests in the NASA Lewis Icing Research Tunnel (IRT). The design as well as the icing test conditions selected for the tests were representative of the conditions the business jet wing section would experience in flight. This paper presents a comparison between the actual ice shapes that formed on the scaled business jet and hybrid airfoil models during the tests. A comparison between the actual ice shapes and those predicted by LEWICE 1.6 under similar conditions is also shown. The results from the initial series of validation tests are encouraging enough to suggest that the method has great application potential.

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